The media landscape is an ever changing beast. Daily news delivery has changed beyond recognition - how many of us these days hear the thud of our daily newspaper hitting the doormat? I'm far from being a luddite - and having the London Times but a click away makes me smile - but it's still wonderful when connections to the past are maintained.
The Press Hotel in Portland Maine pays witty and engaging tribute to the previous inhabitant of the building it now calls home. The imposing industrial building used to house the printing presses for the Portland Press Herald. It now offers the warmest of welcomes to travelers even on a gloomy Maine day. It's funky, it's fun but best of all it's an incredibly well oiled operation.
The clickety-clack of old school typewriters echo through the halls (and hang from the walls). The smell of printer's ink is almost tangible.
Courier falls from wall to floor. Enough monkeys and there would be Shakespeare!
And just when you think it might be just about to become just a tad too too, step into the Union Restaurant and Lounge. The cool Scandi design vibe is married with a taste of Maine that really does provide that magical sense of place that so many hotels strive for. Delicious in every way.
That the boutique Press is a member of the Marriott group of hotels really did not compute - this is a singular property that oozes independent charm. Service is top notch, the welcome is chilled out and friendly. But do hit the town as Portland has many charms. Eat oysters at the Eventide Oyster Co, sup ale at the Allagash brewery and then head to bed to dream of stories told from days gone before.